Saturday, August 25, 2007

C++ Training at NEC, April 2000

This is the book we used in C++
during our training at NEC, back April 2000.

Bruce Eckel - Part 2

1. Exception Handling
2. Defensive programming
3. Strings in depth
4. Iostream
5. Templates in depth
6. Generic algorithms
7. Generic containers
8. Runtime type identification
9. Multiple inheritance
10. Design patterns
11. Concurrency

Bruce Eckel - Part 1

1. Introduction to Objects
2. Making & Using Objects
3. The C in C++
4. Data Abstraction
5. Hiding the Implementation
6. Initialization & Cleanup
7. Function Overloading & Default Arguments
8. Constants
9. Inline Functions
10. Name Control
11. References & the Copy-Constructor
12. Operator Overloading
13. Dynamic Object Creation
14. Inheritance & Composition
15. Polymorphism & Virtual Functions
16. Introduction to Templates